About Hanne Bryde

Hanne Bryde has a master’s degree in Social Anthropology and a major in Media Science. She is a yoga teacher, and has taught hundreds of students breathwork, meditation, and body awareness.
She is an advocate for critical thinking, science, and philosophy. Hanne also has a strong interest in the field where the mystical meets research, and is also invested in how we must unlearn patterns in our lives as much as we have to learn new ones.
Hanne Bryde’s red line throughout her life has been on the science behind personal and social change, and she been responsible for implementing a new environmental policy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the town of Røros.
Although she has a foot in science, research, and how to expand our knowledge, she also believes that real presence and true wisdom are found when we meet our world with unfiltered and uneducated eyes.
She is currently invested in making a difference in these topics:
- Empowering beings with the knowledge and tools on how personal and global adversities can be the greatest tool for wellbeing, transformation, and global development.
- Empowering beings to connect to their true purpose and passion, and by doing so unlocking your and our world’s most potent energy source.
- Empowering women to become more economical independent, and turning the global economic forces towards compassion, sustainability, well-being, and our natural world.
- Empowering women to start their own holistic and thriving business that is based in well-being and passion, instead of deprivation and force.
Hanne has not only the knowledge on how positive changes happen, but also the first-hand experience with it.
She has transformed her life after two burnouts, and is now living a full-on abundant life, teaching others life-altering techniques so that they can go from being a victim of their life, to a positive driving force in the global village.

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